Harry Harrison made a great contribution to the intellectual science fiction. His books are paradigms of how to balance imagination with realism. His captivating Eden series is a product of profound research and incredible creativity.
This blog is about me and my friends. It is about my observations of the world around me. It is a narrative of my life measured in Megabytes.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Dreaming Eden
Harry Harrison made a great contribution to the intellectual science fiction. His books are paradigms of how to balance imagination with realism. His captivating Eden series is a product of profound research and incredible creativity.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Pretension to freedom
I was approaching the central square, when my attention was caught by a squad of some 100 young people “besieging” the statue of Lenin. You do not often get to see that many youngsters dressed “casual underground” chilling next to the headman of the world proletariat. Despite my disregard of people with no priorities in life, I had nothing against these people enjoying themselves on this warm spring day in the downtown area. There were no signs of public disorder, unless causing curiosity is a public offense.

My question is whether these people would be granted more rights were they dressed differently? And why do stereotypes broaden or curtail the extents of freedoms? And can we build a sustainable democracy while applying heuristics to our routine decisions?
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Chaos revisited

Yet another instance has proved that planning is a way of labeling things as “not ever to be implemented”. Making a plan is like putting up a huge sign saying “Do not bother!”
Planned things seem to be more chaotic than any chaos can get. Every time you try to bring things to some order, they fall apart and follow their natural instincts - order is just not a place where things in life belong. A plan is a form of curse – by making one you urge a failure. Every plan turns out to be a reverse version of a favorable scenario.
I did not like my job, and nothing kept me there. But once I quit, I have realized that life was planned at least half a year ahead. So now, I am working on creating a new plan (what an idiot!).
Sunday, February 25, 2007
This whole thing is really funny, especially in the context of Ukrainian realities. Not that many people are patriotic enough to die for the country, and so many young men (including me) try to avoid the draft, yet all the men become the Defenders of this country when it comes to Feb 23.
Friday, February 23, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Unbearable lightness of … future

Surely, we should hear and know about the anthropogenic damage to the planet. Yet we should be left with a feeling of guiltiness, not hopelessness. With every new report we should be sacrificing the habits that kill the planet. Every other story should force us to give up our luxuries. Yet we nod in unison, as to acknowledge the dusk of the civilization, and keep working on making this world an unlivable place for our grandchildren.
In my globalistics classes, I challenge my professor with my deep skepticism. The ideas of globalistics seem very subjective and lack justifications. Yet, one thing I came to realize while writing this is that globalistics believes in some resolution of the current critical state. There no answer to what the resolution should be, but at least dieing with hope is better than dieing despair.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I *heart* peace

One disadvantage of living in a pseudo-democratic country is the military draft. Though the parliament has passed a law designed to reform the army system, it still doesn’t apply to people of my age. It will only come into its full effect in 2010, when the army will transform into a contract-based service. Until then, I somehow have to escape the luck of wasting one year of my life “serving” the values I do not share.
Two major arguments against my going to the army are: 1. I do not believe in orders, and do not respect people who follow them blindly; 2. I am against any form of violence, or any action that implies violence. I do not think I want to enjoy the punishments for being able to analyze the level of stupidity of a given order. Not mentioning the dreadful conditions that soldiers live in.
Woe from wit

I subconsciously refer to this quote once a week, when I receive my news magazine and get a grasp of what claptrap our politicians were up to. This week was no exception; in fact, it was a major exception, as national interests and state property suffered no substantial damage. The government was too busy trying to persuade the people that utilizing Ukrainian pipeline system jointly with Russia will do much more good, whereas the opposition was blocking the parliament trying to prevent a strategic mistake – Gazprom should have no more control than it already has.
One of the columnists made a wonderful parallel with physics, and wrote that “the people are busy evaluating the performance coefficient of their votes”. I have no idea how efficient my vote was, but I am sure its performance coefficient is rather low :(
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Merits of education
Just for the heck of it, I looked through all the courses I had to take to get my bachelor's degree. Well, I ended up with a list of 66 classes in a 4 year period. Fun, eh?
Here is that list:
Basics of ecology
Business in computer networks
Business Ukrainian
Civil defense
Commercial law
Comparative religions
Cultural studies
Decision support systems
Discrete analysis
Distribution of production capacities and regional economy
Ecological law
Economic analysis
Economic history
Economical cybernetics
Economics of enterprise
Economics of labour
Economics of tourism
Environmental economics
European economy
Finances of enterprise
Forecasting of socio-economic processes
Higher mathematics
History of economic teachings
History of Ukraine
Imitational modeling
Informatics and IT
Information systems and technologies in economics
Intellectual data analysis
International economy
Introduction to specialty
Mathematical programming
Methodology of scientific research
Modeling of economy
Modeling of economy
Money and credit
Physical education
Political economy
Probability theory
Program shells and packages
Psychology and pedagogics
Research of operations
Safety of labor
Safety of vital activity
Science of law
State regulation of economy
Systems of economic information processing
Theory of economic risks
Theory of random processes
Urban economics
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Decision support systems
Intellectual data analysis
Business in computer networks
Forecasting of socio-economic processes
Environmental economics
Discrete analysis
Modeling of economy
Unfortunately, our education system is not as flexible as in many other countries. All the courses are mandatory, and this semester the ministry is being pretty easy on us. Usually there are over 10 courses per semester, so this is like heaven for us.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Literary thirst

As I have finished reading it, I have realized that I ran out of books, so I had to choose something to reread. Out of all the books, I picked Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevskyy. After reading a few chapters, it no longer seems as a right choice – too heavy of a reading for a person working on his school papers. Classic’s archaic language is certainly not something I want to deal with after a few hours of in-depth systems analysis or Pareto decision making criteria.
My heart will go on

The natural order of things has a strange aspiration for chaos. It always tends to yield to sporadic manifestations of mayhem. Patience is what it takes to put things back into their initial positions or effort – to relocate them so to attain a more favorable stance.
This time things just deflected to their regular track. Perhaps I have faced one of those exceptional instances when an effort is not enough to change things. Nevertheless, I am out of my somberness and can treat my job and my studies with a little more enthusiasm. I seem to be figuring out a way of ranging the alternatives and priorities of my life; and balancing my ambitions with my capabilities.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Flooding the eyes

The idea of “flooding my eyes” last night was really stupid – I’ve acquired this kind of wisdom only this morning, when it was rather late to change anything. I so wish some smart people stopped the reckless youth from drinking so much last night, yet we seem to be growing in a democratic environment (parents do not seem to care)…
I wonder why in the world do smart people make stupid choices? And why alcohol always seems to be the right choice despite all empiric knowledge about the consequences? Rhetoric questions!
Well, I better go and get myself a beer before it is too late in the day. I do not want to waste another day of my short life.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
When and why sh** happens

Oftentimes I wish I was one of those careless people capable of not agonize after hurting someone’s feelings. I wish I could just say ‘no’ and move on without ever looking back.
I often wonder if moral values of mine do any favor to me? Or do they just stay on my way and hinder my achievements? Would it not be easier just to ignore the impractical virtues and values and pursue personal interests disregarding all the moral restraints? I guess it would, and yet the society and the natural order of things wouldn’t benefit. But who would care???
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Now, when my job is rock-n-rolling me, I feel that I can not go any longer being so tired. I have realized that this is not leading anywhere good. Sure enough I am far ahead of what have been expected from me, yet this does not add any zeros to my paycheck. My work has obtained some shapes, and I am doing something substantial now, which means I do not really need to be spending too much of my free time. Instead I should be taking days off from the office, and working from home. You got my vow!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Loosing My Religion

It was never a secret to anyone that I am agnostic. I never made it clandestine. But, for God’s sake, I do not understand how my religious feelings can affect my ability to implement my responsibilities? Would my attitude differ was I of any particular religion? Or would my employers feel better if they knew I did not belong to any extremist sect (as if I would tell them if I did)… Very strange!

Irina’s question prompted me to think about my friends in terms of needs. It is peculiar how I can actually classify my friends according to their need of me or my need of them. Sounds rather mercantile and egoistic, but as long as it is honest such an exercise carries a practical value. At least it helps you to identify special friendships, find those people who need you as much as you need them.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Boycotting the Normal
I told myself, All I want is a normal life. But was that true? I wasn’t so sure.
Because there was a part of me that enjoyed hating school, and the drama of not
going, the potential consequences whatever they were. I was intrigued by the
unknown. … Have I become addicted to crisis? I traced my finger along the
windowsill. Want something normal, want something normal, want something normal,
I told myself.
After reading this paragraph I came to realize that so many people around me think I am not normal. I do at times want to be normal, yet I have no idea what normal is. I totally understand that the category of normality is very subjective, but I feel that for many people normality equals to mainstream, something socially acceptable. There are so many underground things about me that if I started I would spent all of my life trying to change. The thing is, I do not want to waste my lifetime trying to be like others.
I realize that I choose to be different. I strive for individuality. Personality is not something to be dictated by the society, but rather something you decide to be. I guess one thing I would change is the perception of people. I do not want to appear weird to them, I want them to realize how and why I am different. I want to come up as shocking, not as a wacko.
Friday, February 2, 2007
The Stone Age marketing mix
I got this new job that requires me to go door-knocking from store to store offering a product that they have no desire of dealing with. Honestly, I do not blame them… I would not want to handle all the paper work and headaches that this product brings along to their stores.

There is no doubt that our businesses are striving for free markets. Don’t get me wrong, they want their markets to be free of competition and reasonable profit margins, free of customer service and business ethics, free of regulations and basic laws of economics.
Well, if you ever make it to the point of starting a business in this country, you certainly deserve to put aside your I’m-being-nice mask and join the club of the careless.
Revenge and Forgiveness
The central idea of the movie is revenge vs. forgiveness. The central question is whether revenge to be considered courage and forgiveness to equal cowardice… An everlasting question that I have addressed myself with on multiple occasions.

I have no knowledge of the Ku culture and people, yet this little wisdom wants me to be part of them. This approach is what I have been practicing all my life. I never let people drown, I was always there to give a hand – even to people who have hurt my feelings. Ability to forgive is a part of my personality. For better or for worse, I feel better when I know that I have stopped someone from drowning.
Monday, January 29, 2007

Nymphomation is the new stage of human evolution, it is mathematics of love. Nymphomation is the basis for vurt and polonation. It is the first step towards the age of alternative realities and virtual worlds. Very confusing (read fascinating).
I was really impressed. I still feel that I did not understand a thing about Noon's world, but that is exactly what I am looking for in books. I hope that Noon's anti-Utopias will never become true, yet it would be very ingriguing to finally understand the mazes of his worlds.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A Sense of Humor (or Humorous Sense)
While talking to these students I felt awkward. For one, I felt sad because I was talking about things that most of them are most likely not experience in their lives. For two, I was ruining the Utopian vision of the US concluded from the numerous Hollywood movies that distort the American reality. I have tried to share what it feels to be a high school student in the US with all the fun that comes along.
Even though it was frustrating to repeat the same thing over and over again, I enjoyed the experience, as it made me think what makes our countries different. One thing that came to mind is the humor.

A man comes to the church and says:
- I have sinned, Reverend.
- What is your sin?
- I have cheated on a Jew.
- It is not a sin!
- What is it then?
I have noticed that in the US, most of humor is based on play of words. American jokes are witty. They require thinking. They employ the peculiarities of language to ridicule certain phenomena. More often than not jokes are meant to be sarcastic, and even scornful. The point is usually not on the surface, but has to be discovered.
- Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in Tennessee to 32?
- It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools!
I am really not sure what these differences may mean. They may indicate nothing. Or they may emphasize the cultural differences through humor as a product of folklore.
Picture: The only monument in the world dedicated to The Smile. It is situated in Lvov, Ukraine.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Where are you, wolves?
He wrote over 300 poems and songs, yet my favorite is Capricious Horses:
Along the brim line of a precipice, right by the very edge-stone
With a whip to drive my horses I do lash them, I do urge on...
Drink the wind, the fog I swallow, ’cause I feel a lack for breathing, -
Smelling raptures with the horror: getting missing, I’m getting missing!
Little slower, my horses, little slow, I say!
Don’t hear the tough lash’s hit!
But somewhat true is about my horses that capricious are they,
No time left to live and to sing in complete.
I’ll finish my song, I’ll give horses to drink -
Just a moment as longer I’ll stand on the brink...
I’ll be gone, the hurricane will sweep me out like a down,
On the morning snow sledging at a gallop shan’t I drive them, -
Change your pace to one unhurried, oh my horses, slow down,
Please, prolong my way a little to the terminal asylum!
Little slower, my horses, little slow, I say!
Can’t they order, a lash and a whip.
But somewhat true is about my horses that capricious are they,
No time left to live and to sing in complete.
I’ll finish my song, I’ll give horses to drink -
Just a moment as longer I’ll stand on the brink...
Done in time it: there may be no delay to see God’s palace, -
Why are the angels singing there with one voice in such a malice ?!
Whether this is just a small bell in hysterics and a sob all,
Or when shouting at horses it’s my trying them to stop call?!
Little slower, my horses, little slow, I say!
Could you lower your racing a bit!
But somewhat true is about my horses that capricious are they,
No time left to live, if only sing in complete!
I’ll finish my song,
I’ll give horses to drink
Just a moment as longer I’ll stand on the brink.
The Betrayal
Pat Conroy took me back to my school years and reminded me about the good, the bad and the ugly of my strange days in the all-boys boarding school that I have attended. While reading, I made certain parallels, and found numerous similarities. It wasn't a military school, yet it had its own unwritten code of honor, system of subordinance and discipline. It wasn't as harsh or crude, yet it hold everyone to high moral (and physical) standards.

The abuse of trust is something that I was always afraid of. In friendship, I long for mutual understanding and high level of trust. I hate being cheated on. To my regret, I have been betrayed and I was greatly hurt.
At some point in high school, we have started observing an increased number of money missing from our lockers. That was troubling and it was continuing for some time, before we decided to take some action. My tutor resorted to my help and using certain tricks, we have managed to find out who the 'rat' was. It was my good friend, who I forgave, and he was never aware of the fact that I knew. Our friendship continued, and I actually stopped thinking about the past accident, when a stealing happened again - he stole from another friend of ours just before both of them came to visit my house. When we were back to school, I was really mad, and I never talked to the guy again. What he did was pitiful and pathetic, and I did not respect myself for giving this person a second chance.
Since then I have become more cautious with who I make friends with, yet I can never be sure. This guy never stole a penny from me, but he did from every other classmate of ours. This lesson was useful, but it had a very painful price.
Picture: (c) Ashley 'Ariarnith Silver Flame' Mutek (http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/a/s/ashleym/betrayal.jpg.html)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Facebook and The Exhibitionism

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Skating on Thin Ice
While watching her learning to skate, I thought of an interesting allegory. Skating is a lot like any other new experience in our lives...

But the ice is unpredictable. Your skills might betray you unexpectedly when you hit a bump. You might fall and raise to look back and see what caused your failure. That bump taught you a lesson and you try to avoid it every time you make a new circle.
You progress. You learn how to make new tricks. You learn to jump. You feel really confident, but you are never sure if the ice you are scratching is not going to ruin your life.